The trash ranges from take out boxes, to beer bottles. Fast food soda cups, to half eaten fast food. It is disgusting and wreaks of a lack of self respect. Not to mention respect for the neighborhood, respect for your neighbors and respect for yourself.
It has become all too easy in a society that exists on an island like Manhattan, to forget about the impact our lifestyle has on the rest of the world. In a world where people go starving everyday and work endlessly to provide their families with the very basic necessities to simply keep living- New Yorkers and Inwood residents don't even have enough respect for their community to pitch in and throw away their trash properly-- not to mention even trying to recycle.
I think that it is time that we wake up as a community and as citizens in a country where we are free to choose how we live our lives- to make GOOD choices.
This "let someone else do it" attitude is awful. It is sickening and what is worse is the influence it has on young people. This problem will not solve itself. In fact it shouldn't even exist.
In Germany- for instance- the garbage problem got so bad, that they have now found a way to recycle almost everything on a daily basis. The also passed an ordinace to get rid of all redundant packaging. I.E.; Toothpaste doesn't need to come in a box when it is already in a tube. Their trash mostly consists of food waste- which is biodegradable. But it took their country an economic collapse to change their habits. What is it going to take us? Staten island is going to fill up sooner or later...
In Germany- for instance- the garbage problem got so bad, that they have now found a way to recycle almost everything on a daily basis. The also passed an ordinace to get rid of all redundant packaging. I.E.; Toothpaste doesn't need to come in a box when it is already in a tube. Their trash mostly consists of food waste- which is biodegradable. But it took their country an economic collapse to change their habits. What is it going to take us? Staten island is going to fill up sooner or later...
In return our government tells us that it wants to keep us uneducated by cutting funding to schools- Our reply? Sure- as long as my taxes stay low.
In another answer to our apathy- we will clean up after your mess by hiring people with your tax dollars to do it.
Do you see where the problem is? This is only one example of the consequences of our apathy. It is in our own sick inability to throw away our trash properly that we have raised taxes on ourselves -which the city sees as necessary to keep us from burying ourselves in garbage. -Tax money which could be used for better things. I encourage you to take pride in your community! Love your neighborhood enough to walk the extra ten feet to that garbage container on the corner!
Quit twisting the screw on this community- throw away your trash, or better yet, RECYCLE! - it is disgusting and a detriment to the health, education and overall well being of your neighbors and children when you chuck your garbage in the street.
Have some self respect.
I hear you. I've noticed that some folks in my building just throw their trash into any bin, with complete disregard for recycling rules. Rather than get angry about it anymore, I just resort the trash when I can. It still baffles me though--the recycling bins are clearly labeled. Why is it so hard to throw trash and recyclables into the correct bins?
Ditto all... GRRRRRR... don't get me started! what absolutely makes my blood boil is when I see people throwing trash on the train tracks! I'll leave at that!!
We have been living in Inwood for just a year now after wanting to move there for many years prior. The trash problem drives us absolutely crazy. We walk our dog in the forest and it is astounding where you find bottles, baby carriages and cans. We usually pick up what we can along the way and take it out. It appears to be a matter of education and awareness. There is no teaching in the schools nor in our public forums (there used to be television ads for God's sake run nationally imploring people not to litter!)teaching people that this is wrong. Parents don't seem to be doing it either and are probably half of the problem. So is there a way that we can start something here? Signs in English and Spanish (probably will become litter......), community awareness programs in the schools? How about simple fliers at the Green Market? I think we need to think of productive, effective ways to communicate to the people that live in the neighborhood and use the park that this is unacceptable. Is anyone involved with the baseball leagues that use the park over the summer? They and their fans leave loads of trash in their wake and I think it should be mandatory that anyone using the fields for games is required to leave the field cleaner than when they found it and this goes for the immediate area surrounding the field where they play as well. If they don't, they should be fined a cash fee and given points. Once they reach a certain number of points, they should not be allowed to use the fields for an entire season. Thoughts?
I have lived in Inwood for nearly 17 years now. I absolutely LOVE it up here and consider it a very good place to live. That being said, I completely agree with the original post as well as the basic gist of the comments (though I do not think signs at the greenmarket will be useful, since the people that go there probably do not litter). I put other peoples' trash in garbage cans everyday, and I do not hesitate to politely suggest proper garbage disposal to my ignorant, lazy neighbors when I see them throw trash in the street, within sight of a trash can. It is sad, disgusting, a health hazard, and does indeed reflect a lack of respect for ourselves and the people around us. Sadly, despite many positive changes I have witnessed, the trash problem has not improved one iota in my years up here. I would absolutely love to see much more sanitation enforcement of the exisiting laws; sadly, I think that's the only way this situation-which incidentally includes the rats, will improve, since appealing to peoples self respect seems to fall on deaf ears. Sad, indeed.
I have been living in Inwood for three years now. The trash problem comes from a lack of education and respect for anything that the majority living here show everyday (we all know what people I am talking about. A clue? DR...).Some would say that the lack of money explains it. I am sorry, I am poor myself but I would never find it suitable to surround myself with filth and vermin. These people are animals and live like such. The building managers know that and are little by little getting rid of them. The neighborhood might soon reach the beautifull potential that it has. Let's be patient...
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Not to mention respect for the neighborhood, respect for your neighbors and respect for yourself.
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To be a good lenient being is to be enduring a amiable of openness to the far-out, an cleverness to group uncertain things beyond your own manage, that can take you to be shattered in unequivocally exceptional circumstances pro which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly outstanding thither the get of the ethical autobiography: that it is based on a trust in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a treasure, something somewhat fragile, but whose mere precise attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.
i love inwood, and love living here, in spite of the fact that it is without a doubt the filthiest neighborhood i have ever inhabited. the neighborhood appears to manifest incremental changes and improvements, however, many dominicans who have lived her for a long time have no respect whatsoever for the environment of the community. it's a lose lose situation for everyone, in the face of which i find myself increasingly frustrated. what a shame it is that garbage is the one seemingly insurmountable obstacle in our otherwise beautiful neighborhood.
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