I usually like to eat at the Park View Cafe on Dyckman, but I figured it would be nice to try something different.
Capitol Restaurant
4933 Broadway, New York, NY
(212) 942-5090
(212) 942-5090
So,, first things first. The place is called "Capitol" Restaurant. Now I don't know if they just chose the alternative way of spelling "capital" to be cute,, like when people spell 'shop' as "Shoppe" etc.. or if they named it for the nations Capitol , or if they named it after Jupiter's Temple in Ancient Rome; the Capitōlium on the Capitoline hill... but whatever the reason..
Welcome to the Capitol Restaurant.
I walked in and there was an older guy working. The kind of person that immediately gave you the impression that this was perhaps a family owned enterprise and he was the surly brother. So I sat, and had a tiny glass of water. The inside of the place is small and dark--and I immediately knew that if I had a hang over-- this is the place I would go. It is a bit like eating in a cave. Perfect for those times when you need sunglasses and a 'wet nap' everywhere you go after a heavy night of dancing and pumping yourself full of vodka.
So, I went,, and it has a really basic diner menu. I decided that I would go therefore; with the very basic diner options. I got wheat toast, scrambled eggs, coffee and some home fries-- or hash browns as some people call them.
The food was up nice and fast. But it didn't look like anything too exciting. I mean, it really was basic diner food. If i did go there with a hang over- it would be perfect because when you have a hang over you order the food cause you know you should, but you end up just having the coffee.
So, I mean. The food was fine. It sort of reminded me of the sort of breakfast a mom would make their kid in a rush except with out as much love put into it. I didn't like the hashbrowns.
The coffee was okay though and that made me happy.
Well,,I suppose the moral is- crash here when you need get away from the sunlight and don't go here expecting a sexy garnish for your nice cheap meal or an overwhelmingly upbeat atmosphere. The server tends to you when you need it, and leaves you alone while you eat.
The place is worth the Ink
6.5 out of 10.
The place is really basic and more of a hideaway than a food destination.
I would hold meetings here that need a quiet atmosphere.