Sunday, September 2, 2007

SIGNS - and their true meanings....

This is my favorite sign. It is usually surrounded by teenagers playing basketball with the lower rung of a fire escape. Or people playing hand ball-- and of course.. usually at 2 am.
Maybe the west side of Broadway is different... Maybe they don't have "No ball playing," signs to attract ball players.

OPERATION CLEAN HALLS: "In an effort to rid buildings within the precinct of unauthorized people trespassing within them for the purpose of narcotics sale/use, landlords request that the beat officer covering their building conduct vertical patrols within their building and remove persons loitering within the building who do not reside therein. To find out more about how your building can become a part of this program, contact your Community Policing Beat Officer at 590-5557. " - From the NYPD website.
All I have to say is,,, what a load of CRAP. There are non-resident trespasser children playing ball in my hallway all day screaming and having a KICK ASS time. Non-resident people use the apartment lobby outlets to plug in radios and car buffers. I often wake up and get my mail in the lobby and on my way will see cigarette butts and bottles of alcohol usually half full. This sign clearly indicates a safe haven for alcoholics that get cold and need to come inside to drink some more. Grrr..
In fact the only signs that are truly enforced are the damn NO PARKING signs.
But that DON'T LITTER sign next to it is quite ignored.
Now.. yes,, this is a bitter little rant. But I DO like the idea of these signs meaning something. I like that they were paid for and put up with good intentions. What I don't like is peoples blatant disregard for their neighbors.
-Clean up your trash
-Don't use the side of my house as place to play with your balls.
-And get the HELL out of my lobby.
Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Clean up your trash?

Don't use the side of YOUR house as place to play with your balls?

And get the HELL out of YOUR lobby?

You have to be kidding me, How long have you been in the neighborhood???? You should be very careful about how you refer to the people on Thayer Street, and the community of Washington Hgts, Inwood and Uptown. You should get a map and learn the geographics of the area your think you understand. You should also learn how to speak the language & live within the culture you choose to live in rather then trying to demand your expectations through a blog that no one from your block reads.
Let me know if you would like a tour of the neighborhood you now live in. I ll volunteer my time to make sure you experience the Dyckman Valley Community Tour. I'll make sure you interact with the people.
And can you please do me one more favor? Please dont call Ft Tryon Park the east of Inwood, it really demonstrates how ignorant you are of the community you freely love to analyze.

Uptown Champs

Anonymous said...

I think he means" 'geography' of the area 'you' think you understand."

ashanean said...

Uptown Champs is wrong on one point. I do live on Thayer Street and I read this blog. I kind of find this blog offensive, because you do not appreciate the close knit Hispanic culture which is here. You just look at everything in an arrogant manner. I am a non speaking spanish person but I never looked down on the people here. I love the culture and the food and the people. Maybe you should try the Hispanic culture here. And try to learn the lingo!!!

Unknown said...

Well Im happy to see someone else from Thayer St reads this blog. I guess I was wrong Shanean but I'm glad to see that Im not the only one that sees "Inwood Ink" as an arrogant outsider. He better apologize to his neighbors kids next time they're playing in "his" lobby.

Uptown Champs

Anonymous said...

Thayer street is nasty, and basically all of east broadway, especially Post, Academy Street, and Sherman. They need to do something with those buildings and the crowds that hang out there during the summer time. Floors are sagging, people are running around the hallway, and it's just all overall borderline ghetto, if it isn't already.

Now before I get lectured, I was born and raised in Inwood - been living here for 37 years. I live around the cooper seaman area.