As a non Spanish speaking citizen of upper Manhattan, after dinner I am left wondering what to do with myself. Are there bars up here or anything to do for a 20 something non Spanish speaking guy?
I find myself having lots of movie nights and creating experimental martinis with friends. (The newest experient is a Ginger Apple Martini... strong but good.)
But other than what we provide ourselves with to do, I find that there is nothing else to do. It is really really boring up here after 9 pm.
The most unfortunate part about this entire situation is that it is too damn noisy in my neighborhood to go to sleep early if I choose to.
I end up heading down to Midtown or somewhere below that to hang out with friends and grab a drink. But like I have said before that leaves me in a bit of a pickle as to how I want to get home. Usually I do end up taking the 1 or the A running local all the way home. It is a pretty crappy ride all the way back up. But unless it is after 2 am you will usually have a good amount of company with you in the train car.
But really Inwood.. there is a lot of money to be spent if you would simply open a crappy little bar for us to spend it at. Maybe on the vacant corner-- a nice coffee house/cafe. Booze isn't totally necessary.
But if anyone knows where "it" is at in Inwood-- drop a comment. We'd all like to know..
Have you heard of the Monkey Room on 187 and Ft Washington? Friday and Saturday night it is identical to any other bar/lounge in the Heights meaning mostly rowdy Dominicanos and lots and LOTS of noise. That happens to be my block, which has always been a quiet block UNTIL the Monkey moved in.
However, sunday thru thurday it caters to the "blancitos" in the area and it is actually pretty cool. Nice back patio which if you go at a certain hour you will have all to yourself! Avoid on weekends, not only does the small space get overtly packed but the crowd is anything but cool. Other than that, there arent many places uptown to cater to white people. Jesse's Cafe is cool, then there are a few spots in and around 181st
You can take a cab from midtown,
If you call the car service from Inwood, they pick you up
They charge 18-20
If you come back with someone split it.. The train could get dangerous at 3 or 4 am..
Honeslty, people who live in inwood in their 20s, always go downtown- not much to do here excpet live in a huge apt, pay cheap rent. thats the pay off.
I'm new to the neighborhood and discovered the Piper's Kilt bar on Broadway and 207th. It's chill, not a lot of people, non-spanish speaking place with a mix of local business owners and musicians. Very chill...not exactly hip and crazy nightlife but a good chill bar to meet some new people and have decent conversations when you don't want to take the train all the way down...
Looks like something else is opening up right next to the Monkey Bar, but don't know if it's just another restaurant.
There's a new winebar about to open on the corner of 181st St. and Cabrini Blvd in the Heights - I'd give it another month as they're still working on it. And I saw a new winebar on Bennett Ave - just in from 181st St, but didn't see anyone in their 20's in it... I also heard there's a new cafe up in Inwood that's a cool place to hang out during the day - right by the Columbia Stadium on the corner across from the park.
Good day !.
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